Insect Growth Regulators

Diacon® -D IGR
A dry formulation insect growth regulator designed for locations where water is scarce, Diacon® -D IGR is a ready-to-use option for controlling insects at on-farm and off-premise storage sites.
Features & Benefits
- Ready-to-use formulation
- Labeled for all stored commodities including malting barley
- EPA tolerance exempt to control insect larvae in food commodities
- Contains the active ingredient (S)-methoprene
- Interrupts insect life cycle for long-term control
- Can be applied to the grain stream or as an empty premise treatment
- CODEX approved for any grain produced from the grass family
Application Rate*: 8-10 lbs per 1,000 bushels of grain

Diacon® IGR
Diacon® IGR is a versatile liquid formulation that is excellent for control of lesser grain borers, Indian meal moths, saw-toothed grain beetles, red flour beetles and other stored product insects.
Features & Benefits
- Broad spectrum control
- EPA tolerance exempt to control insect larvae in food commodities
- Contains the active ingredient (S)-methoprene
- Can be applied directly to grain stream
- Can be applied as a fogging concentrate or a surface spray
- CODEX approved
Application Rate*: 4 oz per 1,000 bushels of grain